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Rotary Club of White Bear Lake
Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. In more than 160 countries worldwide, approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 30,000 Rotary clubs. Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community's business and professional men and women. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self.
Rotary District 5630 Nebraska
Within Rotary District 5630 we are declaring April, 2016 as Clean Water Month and encourage each club to do a project to raise funds and awareness for the importance for clean water around the world. Rotary District 5630 has 34 clubs in the western half of Nebraska. Rotary provides service learning opportunities designed to engage, educate, and inspire youth to become global citizens. Saturday, April 30th at the District Conference our Rotary youth will lead our future goal towards clean water globally. Katie Spotz will be the key note speaker at the conference on Saturday.
Rural Health Care Initiative
I am a board member for Rural Health Care Initiative, and we partner and work in this community,
Rush City High School - College E...
We are a College Intro to Environmental Science Class. Our teacher and class of six have been studying environmental issues, specifically water conservation. Recently our class put on a presentation to our elementary school about using water wisely. We wanted to help them understand that water is a finite resource, and is something that many don't have. In addition to informing others, we would like to make physical differences as well.
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Sacred Heart Catholic School (Robbinsdale) is partnering with St. Joseph's Catholic School (Waconia) and Frassati Catholic School (White Bear Lake) to raise funds for a water well in Sudan. We are focusing on lessons each month using the H2O for Life web site lessons along with our middle school students taking part in a pond study at a lake close to our schools. Students will share these pond results with each other. Our goal is to create an awareness that not all children in our world have access to clean water and give students the leadership skills to take action to raise funds for a great cause.
Sacred Heart of Jesus School
"We at Sacred Heart School live and work to nurture each child through a Christ-filled environment by preparing all to value the quality of life. We strive for religious and academic excellence while we enhance the success of each child both now and for the future." The words above are the Mission Statement for the Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Hanover, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America. More than just words, these sentences embody the guiding principles of the educational experience at Sacred Heart School. We value the importance of this message beyond just our own classrooms, though. Jesus, Himself, said, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Mt 25:35) True to the Gospel message and our Catholic heritage, we strive to extend our spirit of service to those in need to “enhance the success of each child both now and for the future." Please join us in our efforts and prayerfully consider joining Sacred Heart School in our efforts to assist our brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless you always!
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary S...
Our school would like to help a school in need and to educate our students about the water crisis in the world.
SACS Middle School
Middle School Capstone project for 8th Grade
Saint Paul Sunrise Rotary Club
St. Paul Sunrise Rotary does a major service project every year. We've done local projects and now there's an interest in doing something globally. Our intent is to fund the Zappa Junior School in Nigeria Project by engaging local high schools and by obtaining a Rotary district matching grant.