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Academy of the Sacred Heart
The Academy of the Sacred Heart is an all-girls, Toddler-12th grade school in New Orleans, Louisiana. Embedded in the school's mission is the importance of social justice in our global community. It is one of the five Goals to which our community adheres to in our daily lives. Combining this act of social awareness with another of our Goals, "Respect for Intellectual Values," this fundraising project is an ongoing, social entrepreneurship project for the 2nd Preparatory. The vision is to provide learning activities which empower students to effectively change the world. Students learn how to ideate, create, develop, and market goods and events that have the potential to benefit society, e. g. H2O for Life schools
Baton Rouge International School
BRIS is teaming up with H2O for Life to raise community involvement to the needs of others. Many people do not have easy access to clean drinking water and BRIS wants to help! We are raising money for a school in Africa with our MYP Community & Service Projects and our DP CAS team projects.
Good Shepherd School
GSS is a school that believes that all of God's people deserve a life of respect and dignity. We believe that we are called to serve ALL of God's children, those we know and those we may never meet. Through H2O for Life, we can connect with our sisters and brothers in South Sudan by supporting them in their efforts to bring clean water to their schools and communities.
Holy Cross School
Holy Cross School in New Orleans has a service society, Brother Andre Service Society. Brother Andre Bessette was a humble man of service to his community. Members of the Brother Andre Service Society seek to follow his example by participating in a variety of services. Holy Cross helps many in town that are less fortunate than ourselves. During the 2014-2015 school year, we have focused on Ozanam Inn, a homeless shelter for men. All 95 6th graders have or will perform service at the shelter. Every month we have collected items for Ozanam Inn: winter clothing, towels, socks, baseball hats, pajamas, band-aids, toiletries, and Christmas toys for the Homeless Children’s Christmas Party that Ozanam Inn sponsors.