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Bolton High School
As IB Students we want to find a project where we can think globally and act locally.
Clarksville High School
Being a part of the Volunteer State, Clarksville High School Students are passionate about supporting others through volunteer and service learning initiatives. This spring Service Learning students and members of our high school chapter of the National Society of High School Scholars have been learning about the Global Water Crisis and the initiatives of H2O for Life and its partners. Our students were surprised to learn that there was a project in need of funds here in the United States in the Navajo Mountains, and they are eager to help. We will be participating in several fundraising initiatives to include hosting a local Walk for Water event to donate to help this project meets its goal. Wish us luck while we spread the word and try to make a positive impact on this project.
Croft Middle Design Center 5th Gr...
Croft Middle Design Center, Nashville's "Zoo School", is a great place to learn! Through partnerships with the Nashville Zoo and Vanderbilt University, students are exposed to a variety of hands-on activities in zoology and STEM (science, technology. engineering and math). This year, we are taking a problem based learning approach to STEM and the problem the 5th grade class chose to address is the global water crisis! This Walk for Water is part of the solution the students want to employ to solve this very serious issue.
Franklin Road Academy
We have learned about the water challenges we face as global citizens and want to be part of the solutions. This year the 7th grade has participated in a Water Stewardship Unit in Geography. This service learning unit has covered academic standards related to the importance of water as a natural resource. We have also addressed social issues related water distribution, water quality and water scarcity. We value education and partnering with other schools. Franklin Road Academy is excited to be part of the team and help complete this project.
LaVergne Lake Elementary
WE want to help kids and adults to have fresh clean water to drink. We would like to help people from another country to be healthy and safe. We should help the people from other countries because they need to be clean and happy. Everyone deserves clean water!
Montgomery Bell Academy
Since its beginning, the MBA Service Club has expanded its range of duty and purpose enormously. Its mission has evolved from in-school projects to funded projects that require hundreds of hours from MBA students. This student-run organization seeks to extend the MBA community beyond the scope of the school. The group performs projects both to give back to the larger Nashville community and to raise revenue for the school itself. Working outside of the MBA community benefits MBA students by allowing them to give of themselves and experience the value of community service. Thoughts for teaming up with H2O for Life: With an established annual Spring Break service trip to the Dominican Republic where students and faculty from MBA and Harpeth Hall work together to build homes and schools for poverty-stricken communities, both schools are thrilled at the opportunity to expand their outreach to support global water projects in partnership with H2O for Life.
Rockvale High School JROTC
Our JROTC program out of Rockvale High School is interested in raising money for a water well as our Service Learning Project. This project peaked our interest as it is a project that can both raise money for a good cause and allow our cadets and others interested to be educated on the topic.
Southern Adventist University, Wo...
We are doing a service learning project in our group. We want to spread awareness about water, so we are having a water walk. We are accepting donations from the participants