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Alexandria Werner's Water Project
I worked on a couple of H2O for Life Water projects at my previous school and I found the experience to be very rewarding. I have always had an interest in water purification and conservation. I want to pursue a career in Environmental Engineering after high school so water projects will likely be an area that I will work in the future. I have tried to get a group of Water Warriors together at my current high school but I have not been successful in finding anyone interested in working with me on any H2O for Life Water projects. I saw this endeavor, and the need these young school children in Nicaragua have for clean, safe latrines and I decided to sponsor this school latrine project on my own.
Angleton High School
We want to help our community understand more about the global water crisis. We want to be able to help a community in need of clean water.
Austin College H.E.A.T. Establish...
As the HUMAN-Environmental-Animal-Team, we look to find as many ways as possible to help the world and all of its participants. When we first heard about H2O for life, it seemed like a daunting task to try and raise any money at all, let alone money for new bathrooms, water supply, wells etc. But once we read into fundraising ideas and how much this really does help, we had to get our hands into it. H2O for life in our opinions is H.E.A.T. so we HAVE to help out.
AVID Robert T Hill MS
6th, 7th and 8th Grade AVID students from Robert T Hill want to participate because we believe in your cause. We want to give back to help others in need. "It is sad to realize how we don't know much about all the problems around the world, mainly because we haven't experience it first hand. To change problems like water scarcity, I want to start by making a change myself. I will try to work as hard as possible to help this noble cause." Saray 8th Grade AVID RTH student
Bonham Rotary Club
We would like to partner to help complete this project.
Deerwood Elementary
Deerwood Cares would like to lead other Deerwood students, their families and their community in this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. At Deerwood, our teachers emphasize the importance of hang hygiene. Good hand washing protects against the spread of many illnesses. Deerwood Cares, wants to support students in Tanzania in practicing good hand hygiene. We look forward to raising money for a hand washing station for our Tanzanian friends, during our annual Reindeer Romp on Thursday, December 18th.
Elsa England Elementary School
Third grade Water Warriors at Elsa England Elementary have been studying water conservation and water scarcity as part of a year long service learning project. Our study of water has been woven throughout our curriculum. As we were researching different aspects of water such as water usage, drought, pollution and scarcity, the students became passionate about helping children in other countries who do not have easy access to clean water. Our students are developing a sense of global citizenship. To raise funds, our students will be developing products to sell at an economics fair and organizing a community wide walk for water.
Fred Moore High School
Our Interact Club members want to be involved in helping others on a global level. Our sponsor, Denton Lake Cities Rotary Club is active in sponsoring water well projects, so we wanted to get involved too. The idea of helping another school was ideal for us. We are proud to team up with H2O to make a difference!
Goose Creek Memorial High School
As a Geography teacher, I want to show my students the big impact that small actions worldwide can make. We will be beginning our Economic Geography Unit and want to incorporate a service project involving resources and the scarcity that is experienced around the world.
Grace R. Brandenburg Intermediate...
Last year, our students did a project on the global water crisis. Our students did research that completely changed their worldview and opened up their eyes to the unbelievable desperation to simply survive that exists in our world today. They were floored! Our kids completed their projects towards the end of the Spring semester. Our students learned all about your organization and talked about how cool it would be to one day do something to help. They wanted to send money and water bottles :) One day, a student approached us and asked for the H2O address so he could mail his birthday money!!! Sooo, I ran with his idea, shared it with the our cluster of kids and they decided to begin raising money! We had over $200 in less than 3 weeks!!! We are ready to begin fundraising ASAP.
Junior DECATS Dallas
Junior DECATS Dallas is an academic camp for 3rd through 5th graders in the Catholic Diocese of Dallas. We annually conduct a major fundraiser called "Kids Helping Kids" in which our kiddos can directly help other kiddos. 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? …. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25