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Blackstone Academy Charter School
What is the problem that needs to be addressed in the industry/ community? Water is scarce and unsanitary. What is something you would like to do to help solve this issue? I would like to contribute to the fund raising effort to bring students attending Ndubai Primary School a Rain Catchment Tank, New Latrines, and a Handwashing Station. $2400 out of $4400 are still needed. There is no minimum funding goal to achieve. All help will contribute to bettering the lives of Ndubai Primary School students. How will this positively impact the community? (What do you hope to accomplish?) Abroad: For one, Blackstone Academy can proudly claim to be one of the very few, if not the only school in RI, to be partnered with a sister school abroad in need of water. Blackstone: The fundraising efforts that will be undertaken will result in educating Blackstone students of the importance of water. My goal besides actually bringing clean drinking water to a school that needs it, is to persuade the Blackstone community to more efficiently and appreciatively use water. I’d like to partner Blackstone Academy with a school abroad that is need of clean drinking water, Ndubai Primary School in Kenya. I will hold a school-wide fundraiser. This won’t be the standard fundraiser competition with a pizza party at the end. Blackstone as a whole will work towards raising funds to aid our partner school. To reduce project complexity, all donations will be made in the main office, where funding would be most secure. Most revenue will be made from students that hold jobs and are willing to bring collection boxes to their their respective jobs and collect money at the cash register. I work at Walgreens, a corporate company, and have done this with the ‘Pennies for Patients’ fundraiser with adequate success.
Portsmouth High School
I want to participate in this project because I work with children and I know how hard it is for them to be attentive and learn in our classrooms, where they have all the tools they could ever need. I can not even imagine how hard it must be for children to learn without having the resource of clean water.
St Gregory the Great Church Middl...
We are a parish Religious Formation group (NOT a school). In our parish we try to instill in our young people the need to reach out and help others through the Corporal Works of Mercy. Many of our students come from upper middle class families and do not want for much. They need to realize how others live on a daily basis.