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Dakota Wesleyan University
Many universities claim to be “different.” At Dakota Wesleyan University, our deeply rooted values of lifelong learning, leadership development, faith exploration and genuine service to others are the cornerstones of what makes us “different.” Why DWU? Traditions embedded in our United Methodist values. Faculty who teach rigorously and care deeply. Students who exemplify synergism and develop lifelong friendships. Parents who entrust their children to the care of the college community. Faith leaders who embody conviction and principles in their ministries. Graduates who impact the world with their leadership and service. And donors who give willingly to sustain our efforts. These and countless other reasons make DWU different. Our student body is purposefully small. In fact, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1, every student receives the well-rounded, personalized education they deserve.
South Middle School
South Middle School students want to help support our fellow global citizens in having clean water.