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Clarendon Avenue Elementary
Participating in this fundraising project will provide the students of this small town of Mukwonago an opportunity to establish a global connection in a 21st century manner. This is something many of our students might not otherwise experience. The project will show our students in a tangible way how water is a nonrenewable resource. We hope to demonstrate to students that we all need to take responsibility, including themselves, in the conservation of water.
Ft. Howard Elementary School
This project is intended to expose the kids and teachers at Ft. Howard to the global water crisis and the power of giving to those less fortunate. Procter & Gamble, Green Bay has partnered with Ft. Howard in this effort.
Glacier Creek Middle School
We want to teach our students that they can make a difference in the world. This project closely aligns with our curriculum, as we study about microbes and disease. Also, our school has been involved with H2O for Life for a number of years, and this campaign touches on many of the themes we have worked to educate our students about.
Griffin J
Just a teen trying to do some good for the world. :)
Griffin Johnson
Just me.
Highland Community Middle School
Highland Community Middle School is a very small district in rural Wisconsin. We strive to give our students a broader view of the world around us. During the 2018-2019 school year, our field day focus was on water usage and quality. Students learned how fortunate they are to have the clean accessible water they have. Once they understood the situation, they were motivated to help others.
Holy Rosary Catholic School
We have sponsored a school through H2O for Life for 5 years now. The students love helping others in need.
J.C. McKenna Music Department
Our spring chorus concert theme was water, so we collected donations for H20 for Life.
Kromrey Middle School
The Kromrey Middle School Student Council is running a yearlong campaign to raise money for H2O for life.
Monona Grove High School
One of our units in our environmental science class was on the Global Freshwater Crisis. What we learned through this unit was incredibly disturbing and we felt like we needed to do something to help. Currently our class has many different projects going on to help mitigate this crisis. Our group's goal was to focus on getting people reliable access to clean water as soon as possible. We will be doing fundraising events across our school district to help bring clean water to this community.
Monroe Middle School
We just want to help kids in Ethiopia have a better chance at having access to clean water, better health, and an education!