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Chatfield Senior High School
Chatfield would like to join H20 for Life because we want to help others in need with the water crisis. Members have a passion for Africa and getting out into the world and doing good. We are able to have fresh water and other simple living necessities here and sometimes we may take that for granted. But we want to help the kids in Africa to have the ability to be able to have fresh water so that they will be able to concentrate more on school and their own education, just like we are so lucky to, here in Littleton.
Colorado Academy
Colorado Academy is an educational community for students in Pre-K through Grade 12. CA provides a relevant and dynamic liberal arts education for an ever-changing world. We work to create learners, leaders, and inspiring, thoughtful individuals who are ready to transform the future.
Delta Middle School
Delta Middle School is located in Western Colorado. Approximately five hundred and fifty 6th, 7th and 8th graders attend DMS. Students in 7th grade are learning about the water issues in Africa, analyzing causes and effects, and want to give a helping hand to enable others to move forward with their lives.
Fruita 8/9 NJHS
This group of students is committed to helping children around the world to experience a better quality of life and hopefully better educational opportunities. For the past five years we have sponsored with Water for Life to raise money for schools around the world.
Globe Charter School
We are a small charter school in Colorado Springs. We are finishing the book, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park and are excited to learn more.
LifeSoap Company
Our mission is to help people get the soap they need while helping children and communities get the clean water they need. We have a great relationship with H20 For Life and look forward to funding more projects.
St. Mary's Academy
We are a K-12 school. Our students are participating in something called the World Affairs Challenge, where a group is focusing on Sustainable Development Goal #6, Clean Water and Sanitation. This group is finding solutions to the water crisis and the sanitation problems in Malawi.