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J. Graham Brown School
We are the J. Graham Brown School, a K-12 school in Louisville, Kentucky. The entirely of our school's ninth grade class want to help raise funds to build a well for a school in Sudan. Our inspiration to make a difference in the world through providing access to clean water to a developing country was the book, "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" by Alephonsion Deng, Benjamin Ajak, and Benson Deng. This book highlights that access to clean water in the Sudan means health, education and income, mainly for women and children who do the majority of water gathering. We are greatly motivated and plan to act now.
Johnson Elementary School
The 5th grade at Johnson Elementary has been reading about the Global Water Crisis through novels and informational texts. We want to help raise awareness as well as help a school get clean water!
Lauren Hayes
I just want to help people in need and if people would like to join me that would be cool!
Madison Middle School
We are a 6th-8th grade middle school that wants to help provide access to clean drinking water for Sudan.
Warren Elementary School
Katie Spotz, visited Warren Elementary School in Bowling Green, Kentucky on her five city tour. Students and staff have created a unique way to gather funds to support a school in need through H2O for Life’s school partnership program. Katie’s story focuses on her “Row for Water”, as the youngest person to row across the Atlantic Ocean. To remind students of the need for clean water, and to remind them of Katie’s story about how ONE person can make a difference, Warren Elementary isn’t using typical containers to collect funds. They have a kayak in their hallway, and hope to fill the kayak with coins, and dollar bills to raise funds that will provide clean water for a school in need.