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Addison's Fellowship Project
I am participating in an independent fellowship project with H2O for LIfe. I am proud and eager to support the Navajo Nations because with water, these American lives can be changed for the better. Native Americans can live healthier worry free lives. It is extremely sad that America still has a water crisis. With this fellowship, I hope that with help, the world can close this water gap one project at a time. Ending the water crisis and making the lives of others better is important to me. I aspire to receive help from others who care about clean water and assist Dig Deep on their mission to aid Native Americans.
Comstock STEM Academy
Comstock STEM Academy is a small K-8 school in Michigan. Students in middle school are taking part in the Global Read Aloud by reading the book Thirst. The book deals with water scarcity and students have spent time learning about water scarcity and how it affects people all over the world. Since water scarcity is an issue for many people the students wanted to do something that would help those in need.
Greenhills School
Michigan has is an abundance of fresh water. Our seventh grade students at Greenhills study water by collecting water samples from the stream that runs on the property of the school. They analyze the data several times a year to monitor the water quality. Through their studies, students have come to appreciate the importance of fresh water and want to help others, throughout the world gain better access to reliable sources of water. They truly learn that water is life.
Howell High School Interact Club
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Howell. The Interact Club assists students in developing, advancing, and applying leadership skills they can use throughout life. Interact serves and connects with the Howell community by doing volunteer work. Our Mission Statement is 'Lead. Serve. Connect.'
Rebel Badge Club
I am a member of the Rebel Badge Club - an adult merit badge group. This month our special challenge is to support a charity that is working on sanitization projects for areas in need.
Sturgis H2O Campaign
The Sturgis H2O Campaign will involve all four of our K-5 elementary buildings. We are leaders, we look for ways to help and make plans to be successful. Our students will be learning about the lack of safe water in Africa and how it impacts children and their health and ability to learn and attend classes. We will be doing coin collections, water walks and other activities during the next few weeks. We are working with Freshwater International and H2O. Our goal is to raise $2000 which will be doubled by matching funds from The GoAbroad Foundation and our local Sturgis Rotary. $4000 for safe water and bathrooms at the Mselera School and for their community! We start today, April 22 and will collect until May 3rd.