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Anonymous Donor
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational, and life-threatening conditions. There is an urgent need for clean water and sanitation in schools and communities around the world. Children, especially those under the age of five, are most susceptible to the ultimate horrors of water-borne diseases. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation substantially decreases the mortality rates among children.
Lincoln Elementary
This year Lincoln students, teachers, and families will be "Stepping Up Together"to help those in need of clean water. October will be our Kick-Off for a year-long project to raise awareness about water scarcity and helping others who are less fortunate.
Riverbend Middle School
The eighth grade class at Riverbend would like to help fund Owina Primary School as a pay-it-forward from #bestschoolday when several projects were funded for the class on Donorschoose.org.
Southeast Polk Junior High
While learning about the world's natural resources students in their science class learned that resources are not evenly distributed around the world. Students learned that there is a water crisis around the world and that less then 1% of the world's fresh water is available to humans. After many discussions as well as research over this crisis, the future we may face and the hardships many do face students wanted to do more than talk. The students asked what they could do to help, they wanted a direct relationship with others that were not as fortunate as them. That is when I remembered H2O for life, I felt that this organization is a great way to help those that do not have clean water available to them. I feel my students are the future problem solvers of the world and by partnering with a school in need as well as with H2O for life I am giving my students a chance towards humanitarianism and helping to make a small step towards ending this serious problem.
St. Joseph Catholic School
The mission of our small PK-8 school is to inspire families to lead, learn and serve. As St. Joseph Middle School students, we hope to help our peers, families, and community learn about the water crisis and inspire them to be a part of the solution by donating to this cause. We are excited to make a real difference in people's lives by partnering with H2O for Life.