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Amanda McCann
Just an individual trying to help.
D.M. Therrell High School
The D.M. Therrell High School Honor Society consists of two groups: members of our National Honor Society chapter and Senior Beta Club chapter. Both organizations require students to maintain high GPAs as well as actively participate in leadership and and community service throughout the year. By participating in this fundraiser, students will have an opportunity to continue to learn about the following: 1. important causes affecting students their age around the world, 2. bring awareness of those issue to their fellow classmates, and 3. learn more about fundraising for charitable organizations.
Haynes Bridge Middle School
We were learning about the water crisis in Africa. While learning about the water crisis, we watched a video where Jay-Z went into Africa and investigated all of the water problems. As a class, we decided that we wanted to help out a school in Africa.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
As a diverse Catholic community, Immaculate Heart of Mary School models Gospel values and strives to achieve excellence so as to develop positive, productive Christians serving society.
Pinckneyville Middle School
Pinckneyville Middle School 7th grade students are participating in a interdisciplinary unit based on the theme of water and we are interested in action arising from our learning. We want to help!
The Schenck School
Our sixth grade students have just finished reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. They were inspired by Salva's and Nya's stories and were moved to find out how they could help to build more wells.