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Porter Elementary HOPE Club
HOPE Club empowers students to get involved in the community and service projects that reach out to help others. H2O For Life has been one of our largest service projects for the past 3 years, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger each year! This year we are challenged to raise even more awareness with a sponsored H2O Walk with the and donate our water to our local fire station for water needs as well.
Portsmouth High School
I want to participate in this project because I work with children and I know how hard it is for them to be attentive and learn in our classrooms, where they have all the tools they could ever need. I can not even imagine how hard it must be for children to learn without having the resource of clean water.
Portsmouth Middle - 7 Quest
Hello I am in 7th grade and my social studies class is working working on a RITA project. RITA stands for, Research, Inform, Take Action. My project is to help people in Africa get clean water. I am partnering with H2O For Life to help bring clean water to schools in Africa. The school I will be donating to is Boro Primary School Grades 3-5. This school in Ethiopia does not have a safe water source for the students to drink from. Your donation will go to helping the school install a block of latrines (5 doors) that are custom engineered to be accessible to students with disabilities. A hand dug well will also be installed which will provide a safe water source. Did you know that lack of safe water and toilets is a big reason why 3 out of 4 girls won't finish primary school in Africa? In some parts in Africa the average person has to walk 3 miles in order to get water that sometimes isn’t even clean. For my project I will be simulating the fact that lots of kids have to walk miles in order to get clean water. I will be taking orders for individual gallons of water within my neighborhood. If you order a gallon of water I will walk to Market Basket and then walk the gallon of water off at your house. I just ask that you make a donation to Boro Primary School to help bring clean water to their school. Thank you for your time and I hope my neighbors will join with me for this great cause.
Port Washington High School Spani...
Our AP Spanish Class started the fundraiser after a unit on water to raise awareness of the Water Crisis Worldwide. We collected change from students and hosted our First "Water Wars" where classes competed against others to collect the most money for the cause.
Prairie Creek Community School
We are a public, progressive charter school near Northfield, MN. Part of our mission is to make the world a better place. Raising Hands, our student led service learning club, has chosen to focus part of their work on water issues and girls' education.
Project Wisdom
Project Wisdom started in 2013 as a handful of students and educators who desired to learn how to become better global citizens. Since then, we have grown exponentially. Today we are an education-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a student-majority Board of Directors and hundreds of members across North Carolina. * Our Mission is to develop global awareness and leadership in our local school systems through international community building and service-learning. * We Envision a future in which conscientious global citizens work collaboratively across cultures to address the world’s most pressing issues. When young people speak of making a difference in the world, we like to call it idealism. Yet idealism, by definition, relies on a consensus of reality. To be ideal, after all, is to think beyond reality. So what if we could change the perception of reality? What would happen to idealism? What if young people could really learn about the world around them? What if they could learn what it actually takes to make a small change in the global community? What if, at a young age, their reality was working with NGOs in West Africa to implement a malaria campaign in an under served community? Or working with local agencies to support recently arrived refugee families? If this was reality, then what would happen to idealism? What would we say, then, when one of these young people said to us, "I want to make a difference in the world"?
Protolabs is conducting a fall fundraiser to support H2O for Life! To raise funds Protolabs held a Halloween themed bake sale, sold water drops and had a cascading flow of water down their glass stairwell, raffled off prizes like PTO and brewery tours, and had a penny war between the executives for their Trick or Treat Challenge; which required each Executive to take a bite out of what was either a caramel apple or a caramel onion! Altogether the project they were funding cost $3,850 and they managed to raise over $5,000! It just goes to show that even grownups at work can have fun while still making a big difference around the world! This is the kind of company culture we love to see!
PS 101K
PS 101 would like to help and learn about other communities. The project will expand the knowledge and awareness of our own students through lessons on the Global Water Crisis (related to environment/science), empathy, appreciation and gratitude for what they have (social emotional learning), and Respect for All -- communicating and helping others who are not as fortunate as we are. Overall this fosters a sense of responsibility, awareness, and a different perspective on life. Aside from that it will also increase student awareness of other cultures in the world (being a global citizen).
QSI American International School...
Our PreK-12 American International School has held Walks for Water in order to helps schools in need of accessible fresh drinking water and new latrines for the past two years. We are excited to have the opportunity again this year. The students at QSI Bratislava kick off their fundraising efforts each year on March 22nd - World Water Day. We fundraise for approximately one month leading up to our Walk for Water which ends our annual Earth Week - this year, our Walk for Water will be held on April 26th. We plan to have a coin drive as well as bakesales to support the project. Not only does H2O give all of our students an opportunity to help others but also raises awareness on a more global level.
QSI International School of Shekou
We are a group of international students from QSI International School of Shekou in Shenzhen, China, and our goal is to create a safer, better world for children everywhere. We have an incredibly unique team of individuals who want to utilize their talents to make a difference. In the past years we have been involved in many community service activities, but as the opportunity to partner up with H2O For Life has been given to us, we've realized that this is our chance to create a world, more worth living in. Since we all live a life overseas, we have a very special chance to raise awareness of this issue to the largest population in todays world. And additionally to do our duty as international students, and come together to start working towards a solution to water pollution.
Quail Valley Elementary School
We are a 5th grade SDC classroom located in Palmdale California. My students are participating in a Project Based Learning Unit that is focusing on water, the scarcity and value of it.