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Nora Pettinger
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational, and life-threatening conditions. There is an urgent need for clean water and sanitation in schools and communities around the world. Children, especially those under the age of five, are most susceptible to the ultimate horrors of water-borne diseases. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation substantially decreases the mortality rates among children.
North Canyon High School
We have the opportunity to provide a transformational service-learning opportunity for our students through H2O for Life. Our students will study issues surrounding the global water crisis, learn about their partner school and country, and will plan and implement activities that raise funds to help bring water and sanitation to our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world!
Northeast Guilford Middle School
Our school is engaging in Service Learning and feel that this is a worthwhile project for our school to participate in.
Northern Highlands Regional High ...
Hi we are Spring4Kenya! We are a group of 12th graders from Northern Highlands Regional High School. Through a series of fundrasiers, we are raising money to provide access to clean water to communities in Kenya.
Northern High School National Hon...
National Honor Society is a prestigious organization built on the pillars of academics, leadership, community involvement, service, and character. We want to support Luhindo Primary School because it is an impactful cause that will help the futures of hundreds of kids and the community.
North Middlesex Regional High School
We are a service learning group from North Middlesex Regional High School in North Central Massachusetts that strives to help others from all different communities as well as our own. We develop and work collaboratively on service opportunities to do around our area year-round. In May, we make a trip down to New York, NY to work with organizations and people in the city as much as we can with different projects such as soup kitchens, park cleanups, meal distribuions, and building restoration. We worked with you last year and are excited by the idea of being able to help people from a community that is drastically different from our own. We are also happy to be able to do something that would make such a positive change in peoples lives. It is one of the greatest opportunities we have found to be able to help others.
North View Middle an IB World School
As an IB World School we believe in supporting local and global service learning projects. H2O for Life is one of our global service learning projects that our students are taking on this school year. As an IB World School, North View students are asked to think globally and act locally. Students in our Individuals and Societies classes and our Science classes have studied Africa as a region of the world and learned about water resources and the struggles that some areas of the world have with getting and keeping water clean. Our students have a strong desire to do what they can to help the children in this part of the world.
Northwest Catholic High School
At the end of last school year when we were determining who would be the designated recipients of dress down day collections, our class officers felt strongly that they would like to include H2O for Life.
Northwest Rankin Middle School
This summer we read the book, "A Long Walk to Water" as a whole class read. Our students have become aware of the necessity of water in many areas of the world. In order to teach our students to become globally sensitive to the needs of others, We have decided to sponsor a well in South Sudan where the story takes place.
Oasis Middle School
Oasis Middle School wishes to fund raise for H2O for Life projects because we understand that some groups do not have the same opportunities and comfortable lifestyle as we do in the United States. Funding for this will change many lives in Africa and will inspire others to do the same.
Ohio Lions District 13C
The Lions Club International is is the world's largest service club organization. We have 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide. Lions are everywhere. We're men and women who are active in community projects in more than 207 countries and geographic areas. Lions have a dynamic history. Founded in 1917, we are best known for fighting blindness – it's part of our history as well as our work today. But we also perform volunteer work for many different kinds of community projects – including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry and aiding seniors and the disabled. For more information about our Lions’ District, visit http://www.lionsdistrict13c.org/ We want to support H2O for Life because There is an urgent need for clean water, sanitation, and hygiene in schools and communities around the world.