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Mt Prevost Elementary
Ecole Mt Prevost Elementary is a French Immersion kindergarten to Grade 7 school, located in the Cowichan Valley, on Vancouver Island British Columbia, Canada.
MTS Elementary - MN Transitions C...
Our school mission is to prepare our students to make a positive contribution as they live and work in an ever-changing world. H2O for Life completely aligns with this mission. Our students are from low-income, highly mobile families. Maybe because their needs are not always met they understand the idea of wanting and not always having the basics. They were excited about the idea of raising money for a well to provide clean water.
Music For A Cause
Music For a Cause is a group at Century College dedicated to service using music. We support various causes by putting on events to raise funds and awareness, as well as help other groups who reach out to us for support. We are working with H2O for life as a way to get involved with a group that has a global impact and that has ties to our local area.
Nana's Project
Virginia Fleming was a driving force behind H2O for Life. It was her love for people, social justice and Africa that opened the eyes of others to the need for water, sanitation and hygiene education around the world. "Nana" or "Auntie Ginny" to many, was loved by all and shared her spirit and love for life will everyone. She traveled to Kenya on numerous occasions, and developed many friendships in the communities that she visited. She would be delighted to know that a school in Kenya will receive the gift of water, sanitation and hygiene education that will be life-changing.
Nansemond River High School AFJROTC
Here at Nansemond River High School our AFJROTC group is trying to raise funds for our program as well as donate money to various community service projects.
Nansemond River High School / Air...
Each year Nansemond River High School's, Air Force Junior ROTC trains over 100, 9th-12th graders on how to positively impact their community and practice to become future leaders. Our "H2O For Life" pledge is the largest financial community service project among dozens of service programs that we run each year.
New Brunswick Public Schools
In 1986 I went to Kenya during college for a semester. I loved it and vowed to return one day (before I had my own children). Well now my oldest son is 17 and my younger one is 13, so I didn't keep that vow. But I still have a strong interest in Kenya and know I will be back there some day.
New Century School
We have the opportunity to provide a transformational service-learning opportunity for our students through H2O for Life. Our students will study issues surrounding the global water crisis, learn about their partner school and country, and will plan and implement activities that raise funds to help bring water and sanitation to our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world! We hope that all students in our school will benefit from our partnership with H2O for Life. Students will be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and will develop awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. We hope our school will be committed to make this project for our partner school a reality.
New Haven Academy - Running Water
Two years ago, New Haven Academy raised money for its partner school in Africa. This year, Cynthia Hager decided to bring this fundraiser back as her senior year Social Action Project (SAP), and with the help of her fellow high school peers, they will be hosting a Run-a-thon/Walk-a-thon at Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven, CT. It will take place on May 31, 2014. Their goal is to raise about $1000 for Jose de la Cruz Mena School in Nicaragua, and have about 150 runners altogether.