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Harlem Wizards
The Harlem Wizards want to make a difference and these water projects are a perfect opportunity.
Hawaii Technology Academy
Hawaii Technology Academy (HTA) is a tuition-free, WASC-accredited, public charter school that aims to transform education to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. Our educational approach is founded on the belief that learners learn best by doing and by engaging in relevant learning experiences that help them make connections between themselves and the world.
Hayes Elementary
Hayes Elementary is a PYP school in the International Baccalaureate program. For years our fourth graders have investigated how water impacts people's lives. Through that study we have taken part in Google Earth tours and learned about how nations are impacted by lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Also through that study we read about H2O For Life in a Time For Kids and learned that it began in our neighboring school district, Mounds View. It is exciting to hear that we have a local connection.
Haynes Bridge Middle School
We were learning about the water crisis in Africa. While learning about the water crisis, we watched a video where Jay-Z went into Africa and investigated all of the water problems. As a class, we decided that we wanted to help out a school in Africa.
HCS Early College High School
HCS Early College offers a Leadership Development Class and our goal is to be able to help make a difference and address the issues both inside and outside of our community. This allows us to understand and appreciate what we already have and focus on the positive things in life.
Henderson Hammock Charter School
7th grade students have partnered with H2O for Life, and have pledged to raise $1000 to help provide handwashing stations, latrines, and a 50,000 liter rainwater catchment system for the students at Friends Primary School in Western Kenya. 7th graders will be hosting Virtual BINGO nights in efforts to continue to raise money for the students.
Hercules High School
A group of seniors are participating in providing sanitary conditions to students in Nicaragua to help students have healthy lives and to improve their living conditions.