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Howell High School Interact Club
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Howell. The Interact Club assists students in developing, advancing, and applying leadership skills they can use throughout life. Interact serves and connects with the Howell community by doing volunteer work. Our Mission Statement is 'Lead. Serve. Connect.'
IJ Holton Intermediate School
I am the adviser for the 5th and 6th grade student council. I am also a 6th grade language arts teacher.
We are a parkour shoe company as well as two
Immaculate Conception School
Junior High students are doing a Walk for Water to raise money to help those that are in need of clean water. The students read the book "A Long Walk to Water" and learned a lot about the importance of having clean drinking water. Our students will carry 1 gallon of water for 5K to raise money for this valuable cause.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
As a diverse Catholic community, Immaculate Heart of Mary School models Gospel values and strives to achieve excellence so as to develop positive, productive Christians serving society.
Inland Leaders Charter School - 4...
We are a public charter school located in Yucaipa, CA. Our school has a leadership focus and are starting grade level wide service learning projects throughout the entire school for the first time and are so excited to take a more global approach to our service!
Ira Jones Middle School
Through a student led charitable initiative, our school has the opportunity to take action and help make a difference in the global water crisis. The Ira Jones students have the opportunity to “Walk for Water” as an awareness-raising concept and fundraiser. The event will take place during one PE class on either May 15th or 16th, during which students are invited to carry gallon jugs to simulate what many women and children do every day. Our goal is to not only raise awareness to the global water crisis but to help provide a new well for Igunda Primary School.
I.S. 162 The Willoughby
Our 7th graders have begun reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. While reading this novel, we wanted to have the opportunity to directly help a school in need. We have read Nya's struggles so far, and it saddens us that children have to live in these conditions because of a lack of access to clean water. We want to do our small part to help other children in need.
Ishikawa Elementary School
The sixth grade students have joined H20 For Life which is an organization that digs wells and creates clean water sources for villages in Africa as well areas in the U.S., who do not have access to clean water for drinking, cooking, or hygiene. As a service project, we are raising money to fund a well. The six grade will also be completing a 5k walk carrying at least one gallon of water. The students are all reading "A Long Walk to Water" to help understand the water crisis, and what humans have to go through to obtain water. Our goal is to have every student donate at least $1.00. There is a display in the Multipurpose Room where we hope to get enough donations to fill the well with water droplets! We thank you in advance for your support!