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Good Shepherd School
GSS is a school that believes that all of God's people deserve a life of respect and dignity. We believe that we are called to serve ALL of God's children, those we know and those we may never meet. Through H2O for Life, we can connect with our sisters and brothers in South Sudan by supporting them in their efforts to bring clean water to their schools and communities.
Goose Creek Memorial High School
As a Geography teacher, I want to show my students the big impact that small actions worldwide can make. We will be beginning our Economic Geography Unit and want to incorporate a service project involving resources and the scarcity that is experienced around the world.
Grace R. Brandenburg Intermediate...
Last year, our students did a project on the global water crisis. Our students did research that completely changed their worldview and opened up their eyes to the unbelievable desperation to simply survive that exists in our world today. They were floored! Our kids completed their projects towards the end of the Spring semester. Our students learned all about your organization and talked about how cool it would be to one day do something to help. They wanted to send money and water bottles :) One day, a student approached us and asked for the H2O address so he could mail his birthday money!!! Sooo, I ran with his idea, shared it with the our cluster of kids and they decided to begin raising money! We had over $200 in less than 3 weeks!!! We are ready to begin fundraising ASAP.
Granada Huntley East Chain Middle...
We are a small community school in Southern Minnesota. We want to participate for our Community Service class, to learn that we can make a difference from around the world. This is our first year participating.
Gray Middle School ASB
We at Gray Middle School felt that supporting a schools hygiene education was a great way to help young people understand a healthy life style and how they can be proactive in having a long and healthy life. Also, some of our students have personal stories of teachers, pastors and family members who have seen the struggles of the families in Haiti and wanted to do their own part to help!
Green Central Bilingual School
We are a bilingual community learning both English and Spanish together.
Greenhills School
Michigan has is an abundance of fresh water. Our seventh grade students at Greenhills study water by collecting water samples from the stream that runs on the property of the school. They analyze the data several times a year to monitor the water quality. Through their studies, students have come to appreciate the importance of fresh water and want to help others, throughout the world gain better access to reliable sources of water. They truly learn that water is life.
Griffin J
Just a teen trying to do some good for the world. :)