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Deerwood Elementary
Deerwood Cares would like to lead other Deerwood students, their families and their community in this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. At Deerwood, our teachers emphasize the importance of hang hygiene. Good hand washing protects against the spread of many illnesses. Deerwood Cares, wants to support students in Tanzania in practicing good hand hygiene. We look forward to raising money for a hand washing station for our Tanzanian friends, during our annual Reindeer Romp on Thursday, December 18th.
DeLaSalle High School
The preparation at DeLaSalle High School fosters the development of students who are of service to the local, national, and global community both during and after their formal education. A cornerstone of this preparation is DeLaSalle's innovative Global Advantage Program. This program serves to create international citizens through academic travel. DeLaSalle faculty and partner university professors collaborate to develop rich academic experiences. These experiences combine rigorous academic work with international travel. Students in this program are expected to demonstrate curiosity and civility; preparation and participation.
Del Sur Elementary School
Our school is interested in becoming global citizens. We want to help students in other parts of the world, and this project will be the perfect opportunity to do so. We are so fortunate living where we do; our clean water sits on our desks or waits patiently for us at a water fountain in our classrooms. It is such a sad thought to see students in Kenya who often have to walk three miles to get clean drinking water. We are hoping to help change that! Our school will help raise money to go towards building a rainwater tank and a better latrine system. We can do this! We are the Del Sur Explorers, and we are ready to show compassion and love for our neighbors in Africa!
Delta Middle School
Delta Middle School is located in Western Colorado. Approximately five hundred and fifty 6th, 7th and 8th graders attend DMS. Students in 7th grade are learning about the water issues in Africa, analyzing causes and effects, and want to give a helping hand to enable others to move forward with their lives.
Diamond Path Elementary School of...
Diamond Path goals include helping others in our communities, nation and world plus learning about cultures and countries around the world. H2O for Life projects enable us to accomplish both these goals.
Discovery Charter Preparatory #2
We are a High School Charter in Sylmar, California. My students and I are ecstatic of the opportunity to help those in need. We are looking forward to provide as much assistance as we can. Thank you.
Discovery Charter School
Students have studied and researched the water crisis within their ELA, Science, and Social Studies classes. In Social Studies classes students are pursuing being water advocates and planning a Game Night to raise funds.
Discovery Elementary
We are a multiage school in Buffalo, Minnesota.
Divine Mercy Catholic School
Divine Mercy Catholic School is working this year to complete a list of both corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy. At our school we encourage our students to serve others through their time, talent and treasure. Every month DMCS students raise money for an individual charity. They also do projects during Advent and Lent. This year we felt called to do one large project as opposed to those smaller ones. This project called to us in that it went beyond the giving of treasure but helped to fulfill a schools basic need. We look forward to completing the Corporal Work of Mercy: Give drink to the thirsty.
D.M. Therrell High School
The D.M. Therrell High School Honor Society consists of two groups: members of our National Honor Society chapter and Senior Beta Club chapter. Both organizations require students to maintain high GPAs as well as actively participate in leadership and and community service throughout the year. By participating in this fundraiser, students will have an opportunity to continue to learn about the following: 1. important causes affecting students their age around the world, 2. bring awareness of those issue to their fellow classmates, and 3. learn more about fundraising for charitable organizations.
Dog Biscuit Service Project by Ta...
Support my Service Learning Project which is for a WASH (water and sanitation hygiene) project to be implemented at schools in Kenya. Kathungu School and Nasaruni School. Come see me at Marketfest on July 11th to purchase homemade dog treats. I am close to meeting my goal! ($5 per bag) If you live outside of White Bear Lake or don't have a dog to treat, please consider a donation to my project-click on the donate now button. My friends and I are excited about this service and entrepreneurial opportunity!
Drexel Elementary School
The mission of Drexel is to create a positive, collaborative and safe learning community where all students' needs are met to cultivate critical thinkers. Collaboration will occur among teachers, parents and students. A love for learning will be evident in the school environment.