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Stiffler Family and Friends
To help our growing sons begin to think about themselves as global citizens and how to have a positive impact in their neighborhood and across the globe.
Stillwater Area High School
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Stillwater Junior High School
The Lost Boys of Sudan are 27,000 boys orphaned during the 2nd Sudanese Civil War who undertook a harrowing journey to refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, surviving separation from families, war, hunger, wild animals and disease. In 2001, 3800 Lost Boys of Sudan were resettled in the U.S. Our project began in 2009 with a grant from The Partnership Plan to purchase copies of They Poured Fire On Us From the Sky, a Lost Boy memoir, and host one of its authors, Benjamin Ajak. A chance meeting in San Diego planted the seed for our partnership. When Patty Hall of H2O for Life learned that Benjamin would be speaking in Stillwater, she contacted teacher Sara Damon and suggested that Benjamin’s visit could be an opportunity to help bring clean, safe water to South Sudan by raising funds for Water for South Sudan, founded by Lost Boy Salva Dut of Rochester, NY. After raising $5,000 the first year, our project has grown and evolved with each school year. We have hosted South Sudanese refugees Benson Deng, John Bul Dau, Alephonsion Deng, Moses Joknhial II and Kuoth Wiel. Each shared their powerful life experiences with students in classrooms and with the broader Stillwater community. In addition to hosting guests, we have had the opportunity to Skype with two South Sudanese refugees, Sebastian Maroundit and Buey Tut. Stillwater Junior High, with the support of our school district and community, has raised more than $80,000 and funded nine wells through speaker events, screenings of the films Girl Rising and The Good Lie, t-shirt sales, an annual Walk For Water, outreach to local churches and service organizations and school-based fundraisers. We’ve even set a Guinness World Record!
St. Jerome Catholic School
Student service is a part of the Mission of St. Jerome School. This partnership with H2O for life allows us to be the hands and feet of Christ. In addition, it serves to help us appreciate, rather than take for granted, our many blessings.
St. John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist students will be organizing a fundraising campaign during Lent to be a part of solving the Global Water Crisis.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School
St. john's is Catholic K-8 school in New Brighton, MN. Our school motto is JOY - Jesus-Others-You and we want to give back to others as well as show how we can impact the lives of other school children in another part of world.
St. Joseph Catholic School
We are teaching mission awareness in our youth, along with Catholic Social Teaching to instill how important water is and prompt Catholic Social Justice.
St. Joseph Catholic School
The mission of our small PK-8 school is to inspire families to lead, learn and serve. As St. Joseph Middle School students, we hope to help our peers, families, and community learn about the water crisis and inspire them to be a part of the solution by donating to this cause. We are excited to make a real difference in people's lives by partnering with H2O for Life.
St. Joseph Catholic STEM School
This project was initially presented to us through the Twin Cities Catholic School Center of Excellence (CSCOE). When we heard about this opportunity to help support and serve others in need, we were moved to get involved. As a Catholic STEM school, there are many connections to be made in our curriculum and in our faith. We are motivated to make a difference and are thankful for your organization.
St. Joseph Regional School
As a Lenten project, our Builders Club students would like the school to raise money for H2O for Life. We plan on collecting money in water banks, selling t-shirts, and doing a water scarcity walk.
St. Louis Park High School
9th grade economics students of St. Louis Park High School used macroeconomic measures learned in class to select a country, and then a specific school, to donate to in order to support H2O for Life.
St. Louis Park High School
St. Louis Park High School economics students are doing a project where they are starting a non-profit business and they are selling small bracelets to raise money for the well project. They are learning about world issues and needs, economic access and inequality, and they are setting up a business to raise money for the students at Dokolo school.