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University Academy Charter High S...
The students in my classroom are doing service learning project and we would like to raise money for this water project to help students from Tanzania.
University of Minnesota
College students often take their education for granted- we skip class because the 10 minute walk seems too daunting, we skip class because we don't want to take an extra 5 minutes to get ready and shower, we won't go somewhere if it's too cold or too hot or because of any excuse we can think of. The idea that there are those who have to walk miles to get the water we are too lazy to roll out of bed for was a great eye-opener. We hope to channel that awakening into change. Through our fundraising and service, we hope to grant others the ability to experience the security we have here and focus on their own education and health.
University of Texas Elementary
We believe that we have a responsibility to help children everywhere have clean water, healthy living conditions, and a good education.
UW Lab School
Our school is a K-8th grade school. Mrs. Tillman's class (5th-8th grade) is sponsoring a Walk for Water to raise money for this partner school. We will continue to raise funds in other ways. We are very excited to make a big difference in these children's lives. Any amount helps. Thanks for reading and we hope you will donate.
Valentine Hills Elementary
The students of Valentine Hills want to help the students at Agneaux Primary School in Congo. Valentine Hills' students want the children at Agneaux Primary to have bathrooms and water at their school. Every child deserves clean drinking water and bathrooms.
Valley-Edinburg Middle School
H2O for Life has become more than just a service project for our school. It has become part of our social fabric which directs our thinking and holds us. It's a powerful project that has impactful results. Even though an African Proverb says, "Filthy water cannot be washed," we are attempting to do just that...a well at a time.
Vanguard High School
Our group of Vanguard High School students wants to participate because we are passionate about this cause. We realize the importance and vitality of a water well within certain communities. We are genuinely amazed at the fact that this investment can sustain an entire group of people for generations and generations to come. We love helping others in any way possible and we are constantly addressing global issues. We feel as human beings it is our duty to give support to our brothers and sisters world wide. We plan to have a movie night and include other activities like karaoke and WII videogames. There will be food served and music playing. The admission will cost $7 per person and tickets will be sold to all high school grades in schools all throughout Ocala, FL. We are extremely excited to conduct this project and make a difference that we can be proud of.
VANTAGE Global Sustainability
We are part of the VANTAGE Global Sustainability Strand from Minnetonka High School and our hope is to provide water to a school in need. We will raise awareness about water through fundraisers and hands on activities within the community.
Varsity Lakes Middle School
We are excited to embark on our 3th clean water service project at Varsity. Since 2018, Varsity students have raised $14, 026 and helped bring clean water to 1,912 students at 4 schools. •Varsity students will team up to participate in the Walk -4- Water on May 29th. •Students will walk the school track while carrying water gallons in support of those who need clean water. •Our goal is to raise awareness and funds to provide clean water to the Nang’anda Primary School in Kenya. •Students will make personal fundraising goals and record donations collected on their pledge forms. This project inspires and empowers our students to bring about tangible change both locally and globally. We will walk for water ONE day so that kids at Nang’anda never have to again. Thank you for donating! -Mrs. Cabrera & Ms. Reyes