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Trabuco Hills High School
2 students in Trabuco Hills High have developed a sympathy for the young children in third world countries who are not able to receive the same luxury as the residents in Orange County. After hearing about this program, they decided to start a club in their school to help support the cause. Together, they recruited over 20 members who all recognize the seriousness of the current California drought and cannot fathom what it would be like in less developed countries. They have established a goal of adopting a school and help raise money for the school though local fundraisers.
Trailside Middle School
The 8th grade students at Trailside Middle School will be participating in a service learning project that ties into our county wide initiative - One To The World. This will encourage students to identify real world problems and create authentic solutions. We want to build a culture in our school where students are inspired to take action globally and within in their own community as a way to provide for the common good
Treaty Rock Elementary
Treaty Rock Elementary is in rural Idaho, USA. Our school's 4th and some 5th graders wanted to participate after reading about the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, especially #6, Clean Water and Sanitation. Our classes read the book "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park and wanted to help other students in schools have access to clean and safe water.
Tremont Elementary School
Our first graders want to help find solutions to the water crisis around the world. We would like to learn about how we can be contributors to make our community a better place. Students are going to be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and develop an awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. They will learn invaluable lessons about how families, communities, and countries around the world are different, but that we all have similar needs, and we all have the opportunity to make the world a better place through our actions.
Trevor's Birthday
In Lieu of gifts at his tenth birthday party, Trevor asked his friends for donations to help support a water and sanitation project at Kalonga Secondary School in Malawi.
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church ...
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran School provides quality Christian education with experienced and dedicated faculty in a rich and nurturing environment.
Trinity Tri Hawks Women's Varsity...
We are a high school girls varsity soccer team. This donation is in honor of Bekah Bittner, Anna Frenz, Treva Bellomo, Grace Borchardt, Hannah Showalter, and Lizzie Michalak from our team, who all completed a five week challenge.
Twelfth Legacy
We are twelve siblings who want to celebrate the day 12/12/12 by making a positive lasting impact on the world. Our goal is to have each one of the 12 siblings ask 12 friends to donate $12 so we can support education of children by providing clean latrines to a school. Please help us reach our goal.
Twin Cities Print (Northern Glasses)
We're a company that gives 7% of sales to clean water projects. You were one of the non-profits we were excited about giving to this year! www.northernglasses.com
Twin Oaks Middle School
We have studied the global distribution of fresh water in the world as well as human consumption and environmental impacts on clean water in Global Studies class this school year. This spring, we are sponsoring a community in South Sudan after reading the novel, A Long Walk to Water. All donations will go towards drilling and installing a well so they can access clean water. By gaining access to clean water, communities have the potential to benefit from better health, education, gender equality, stability and peace.
Unity Junior High School
Unity’s mission is to provide an equitable, safe, positive and healthy learning environment to ensure academic growth. Through building solid relationships and celebrating diversity, we will foster a community of life-long learners.