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Angleton High School
We want to help our community understand more about the global water crisis. We want to be able to help a community in need of clean water.
Anoka National Honors Society
Anoka National Honors society upholds four values: service, character, scholarship, leadership. We would like to raise money to volunteer.
Anonymous Donor
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational, and life-threatening conditions. There is an urgent need for clean water and sanitation in schools and communities around the world. Children, especially those under the age of five, are most susceptible to the ultimate horrors of water-borne diseases. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation substantially decreases the mortality rates among children.
Anonymous in Lincolnshire
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational, and life-threatening conditions. There is an urgent need for clean water and sanitation in schools and communities around the world. Children, especially those under the age of five, are most susceptible to the ultimate horrors of water-borne diseases. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation substantially decreases the mortality rates among children.
Arndt Family Walks For Water
Our family truly believes that water is life! Starting December 1st, we will walk one mile for every donation we receive to help build this life-giving well in South Sudan. Make us walk miles so our friends in Sudan won’t have to! Thank you for helping us bring clean water to those who need it. Much love, the Arndt Family
A | S
We are two aspiring teenagers hoping to better the world with small steps. We watched a documentary about the water crisis around the world and were shocked by the vast lack of access to clean water. Ever since we were determined to contribute to the crisis.
Ascension Catholic Academy
We are 3 urban Catholic Schools who want to make a difference.
Ashland-Greenwood Middle School
The 7th grade students at Ashland-Greenwood Middle School are completing their service learning project and pledge to support the Khuluvi Primary School.
Athlos Leadership Academy
Our 4th grade class will be helping to encourage our entire school to participate in helping more people have access to clean water. We are excited for all that we will learn!