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Lebanon High School
Our 11th and 12th grade AVID classes are delighted to partner on this project with Bajjabegonza Primary School. This is our service learning project and we intend to learn about water quality and quantity around the globe. We are also researching our partner country, Uganda.
Leonie and Simon from PS 154, the...
Inspired by all the kids learned from Mr. Buckley at PS 154 during the year, they had a summertime lemonade stand to raise funds for this project.
LHHS Heritage
We are a group of students from the La Habra High School Heritage program who wish to create an impact for Nimo Central School. We are excited and grateful to have this opportunity to help other people and are willing to work hard to achieve our goal! We can't wait to work with H2O for life to make a difference in the lives of others.
LifeSoap Company
Our mission is to help people get the soap they need while helping children and communities get the clean water they need. We have a great relationship with H20 For Life and look forward to funding more projects.
Lincoln Center Elementary School
Lincoln Center Student Ambassadors are committed to taking local and global action to break the cycle of poverty and want to help make the world a better place. Our student leaders have been researching the water crisis and are passionate about making a difference.
Lincoln Elementary
This year Lincoln students, teachers, and families will be "Stepping Up Together"to help those in need of clean water. October will be our Kick-Off for a year-long project to raise awareness about water scarcity and helping others who are less fortunate.
Lincoln Elementary School
Every day, one billion people make a three hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational and, worst of all, life threatening conditions. We can help change that statistic for our partner school. We have the opportunity to provide a transformational service-learning opportunity for our students through H2O for Life. Our students will study issues surrounding the global water crisis, learn about their partner school and country, and will plan and implement activities that raise funds to help bring water and sanitation to our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world! We hope that all students in our school will benefit from our partnership with H2O for Life. Students will be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and will develop awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. We hope our school will be committed to make this project for our partner school a reality.
Lionsgate Academy
Lionsgate Academy is a public charter school grades 7-12. We chose H2O for Life to support people in a region of the world we are studying in classes. We want to help assist an international project as we study about water in science and geography classes.
Lisle Elementary School
We are a PreK-5th grade elementary school in the western suburbs of Chicago, Illinois! Our 5th grade students have started a service learning project. This school year, our goal is to raise a minimum of $2,000 for two schools.