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Columbia Heights High School
Columbia Heights is your hometown high school. We are extremely proud of our excellence, heritage and 21st-Century approach to learning, but most of all, our more than 800 diverse students in grades 9-12. To help students on their path, our teachers create relationships while helping students develop lifelong learning skills for college and career readiness. Our AVID elective classes are excited to partner with a school to provide clean water access.
Community of Peace Academy 6th Gr...
Community of Peace Academy is an urban, PreK-12 charter school serving over 800 students of diverse cultures and backgrounds on the East Side of St. Paul, Minnesota. Students at Community of Peace Academy receive an academically rigorous, whole-child education within a school environment that values community and promotes peace.
Convent of the Visitation School
At Visitation School, we believe that community service is an integral part of education. With our global society of the 21st century, we see the needs of the world. Our Vision and Philosophy statement: Convent of the Visitation School provides an excellent education within a Catholic environment permeated by Salesian Spirituality. Under God's guiding hand, Visitation Sisters, trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and students are committed to: Gentle and caring formation of students in maturing faith, reverent worship, personal morality, global responsibility, and respectful appreciation of diversity. Holistic growth of each student from infancy toward adulthood through: innovative teaching and learning; a challenging college preparatory program; encouragement of leadership and relationships of trust; vibrant co-curricular opportunities, and a broad exposure to the arts and cultures. Robust governance - derived from a long and stable history - characterized by expert and wide consultation, judicious discernment, Church and community collaboration, and sound fiscal policies. “Non Scholae, Sed Vitae; Not for School, but for Life."
Coon Rapids Middle School
It is sometimes hard for people here in Minnesota, "the land of 10,000 lakes", to imagine a place parched and dry, with no clean water for miles and miles. In fact, the great Mississippi River flows right through our town, and our school is named after all the raccoons that live and fish from the rocky rapids there. But after reading a new book by Barbara Park called The Long Walk For Water, our Eco-Teens Club wanted to help those former Lost Boys of Sudan bring clean drinking water to their homeland, South Sudan
COVID-19 RESPONSE: Virtual Walk f...
Help Us Fund Important WASH Projects! Please contact Mitchell LeGrand, our School Outreach Coordinator, if you would like to create your own campaign: mitchell@h2oforlifeschools.org <b>Download a PDF copy of our Virtual Walk for Water flyer <a href="https://h2oforlife.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/virtual-walk-for-water-v05.pdf">here.</a></b> Due to COVID-19, many H2O for Life schools are unable to raise funds for their partner schools as they had planned this year. Because of this unfortunate situation, we need to raise $94,430 in order to complete the 60 projects that have been pledged. As a water, sanitation and hygiene education (WASH) organization, education on disease prevention is a core part of the work we support. We're all in this together, so it's time for everyone to be a helper. Let's all do our part to contribute to the common good, so that when this crisis is over, we're proud of how we came together. Support our work and give today. Please consider creating a personal fundraiser and asking your social circle to contribute. Please share photos/videos of your Walk on social media. Be sure to tag us and use the hashtags below! (If you are not on social media share via email info@h2oforlifeschools.org) Facebook: @H2OforLife Twitter: @h2oschools Instagram: @h2oforlife #h2oforlife / #walkforwater
Crosswinds Arts and Science School
This is our second year with H2O for Life. Last year, the students participated as part of a Health Class. This year, in an ongoing effort to increase service-learning opportunities for our students, we are offering 9 sections of a Service-learning class. Last June, we began a tradition of an H2O for Life 5K Fun Run. This year, with more students and staff involved we're looking forward to even greater success.
DeLaSalle High School
The preparation at DeLaSalle High School fosters the development of students who are of service to the local, national, and global community both during and after their formal education. A cornerstone of this preparation is DeLaSalle's innovative Global Advantage Program. This program serves to create international citizens through academic travel. DeLaSalle faculty and partner university professors collaborate to develop rich academic experiences. These experiences combine rigorous academic work with international travel. Students in this program are expected to demonstrate curiosity and civility; preparation and participation.
Diamond Path Elementary School of...
Diamond Path goals include helping others in our communities, nation and world plus learning about cultures and countries around the world. H2O for Life projects enable us to accomplish both these goals.
Discovery Elementary
We are a multiage school in Buffalo, Minnesota.
Divine Mercy Catholic School
Divine Mercy Catholic School is working this year to complete a list of both corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy. At our school we encourage our students to serve others through their time, talent and treasure. Every month DMCS students raise money for an individual charity. They also do projects during Advent and Lent. This year we felt called to do one large project as opposed to those smaller ones. This project called to us in that it went beyond the giving of treasure but helped to fulfill a schools basic need. We look forward to completing the Corporal Work of Mercy: Give drink to the thirsty.
Dog Biscuit Service Project by Ta...
Support my Service Learning Project which is for a WASH (water and sanitation hygiene) project to be implemented at schools in Kenya. Kathungu School and Nasaruni School. Come see me at Marketfest on July 11th to purchase homemade dog treats. I am close to meeting my goal! ($5 per bag) If you live outside of White Bear Lake or don't have a dog to treat, please consider a donation to my project-click on the donate now button. My friends and I are excited about this service and entrepreneurial opportunity!