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Mount Union
For our going global class, students are creating a campus campaign to spread knowledge and try to help a school who is less fortunate to have clean water. we are trying tp spread this awareness around our campus and collect donations to help this school out.
Ohio Lions District 13C
The Lions Club International is is the world's largest service club organization. We have 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide. Lions are everywhere. We're men and women who are active in community projects in more than 207 countries and geographic areas. Lions have a dynamic history. Founded in 1917, we are best known for fighting blindness – it's part of our history as well as our work today. But we also perform volunteer work for many different kinds of community projects – including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry and aiding seniors and the disabled. For more information about our Lions’ District, visit http://www.lionsdistrict13c.org/ We want to support H2O for Life because There is an urgent need for clean water, sanitation, and hygiene in schools and communities around the world.
St. Barnabas School WELLness Project
Our school has been fundraising each year to bring clean water to countries in need. We started by raising money for Lifestraw Water filters in 2005. Subsequent years brought the opportunity to raise funds to build solar wells in southern Nigeria for the Ozioma Hope for Wellness Corp (non-profit) and Missionary Teresa Thomas. The Nordonia Hills Rotary Club assisted as well. During the 2020-21 school year, students discovered H20 for Life Schools when trying to get PURR water filters for Ms. Thomas. Students spearheaded a candy sale fundraiser and raised over $2,200. This project has become an annual tradition with over $7600 having been raised since 2017, and students will once again drive a school-wide candy sale to raise funds to support a project of their choice.
Stiffler Family and Friends
To help our growing sons begin to think about themselves as global citizens and how to have a positive impact in their neighborhood and across the globe.
St. Ursula Academy
We are an all girls Catholic High School in Cincinnati. We have a monthly mission collection in which we choose a non-profit across the globe to support with monetary donations. For the month of January, 2017, we chose H2O for Life.
Tremont Elementary School
Our first graders want to help find solutions to the water crisis around the world. We would like to learn about how we can be contributors to make our community a better place. Students are going to be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and develop an awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. They will learn invaluable lessons about how families, communities, and countries around the world are different, but that we all have similar needs, and we all have the opportunity to make the world a better place through our actions.