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Groveland Rotary
The Rotary Club of Groveland supports our community through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
Hercules High School
A group of seniors are participating in providing sanitary conditions to students in Nicaragua to help students have healthy lives and to improve their living conditions.
Hillbrook School
We are the Hillbrook Water Warriors! We fight for access to clean water. We hope to save our planet and impact people.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
As a Catholic youth group we are encouraged to help people through God. We believe that this would be a great opportunity for us to realize how blessed we are and how we can help those who are less fortunate. We thought these different water projects are a great way to help these children in developing countries.
Inland Leaders Charter School - 4...
We are a public charter school located in Yucaipa, CA. Our school has a leadership focus and are starting grade level wide service learning projects throughout the entire school for the first time and are so excited to take a more global approach to our service!
Jefferson High School
We would like to participate for many reasons!! 1. a large % of our students are from Central America and would connect emotionally to the cause 2. we believe clean water is a basic right for all humans 3. our water crisis in California is also a hot topic so the timing is good for education reasons
La Habra High School
We are a group of sophomores at La Habra High School. We are so excited to have the opportunity to raise money for the kids of El Rodeo! We are so thankful to have the chance to give the kids an experience that we take for granted every day :)
La Habra High School (2016-17)
We are a group of nineteen sophomores at La Habra High School who want to make an impact in kids lives. We plan to have fundraisers and do what we can to ensure these kids clean water and the sanitation they need.
LHHS Heritage
We are a group of students from the La Habra High School Heritage program who wish to create an impact for Nimo Central School. We are excited and grateful to have this opportunity to help other people and are willing to work hard to achieve our goal! We can't wait to work with H2O for life to make a difference in the lives of others.