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Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church ...
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran School provides quality Christian education with experienced and dedicated faculty in a rich and nurturing environment.
Trinity Tri Hawks Women's Varsity...
We are a high school girls varsity soccer team. This donation is in honor of Bekah Bittner, Anna Frenz, Treva Bellomo, Grace Borchardt, Hannah Showalter, and Lizzie Michalak from our team, who all completed a five week challenge.
Twelfth Legacy
We are twelve siblings who want to celebrate the day 12/12/12 by making a positive lasting impact on the world. Our goal is to have each one of the 12 siblings ask 12 friends to donate $12 so we can support education of children by providing clean latrines to a school. Please help us reach our goal.
Twin Cities Print (Northern Glasses)
We're a company that gives 7% of sales to clean water projects. You were one of the non-profits we were excited about giving to this year! www.northernglasses.com
Twin Oaks Middle School
We have studied the global distribution of fresh water in the world as well as human consumption and environmental impacts on clean water in Global Studies class this school year. This spring, we are sponsoring a community in South Sudan after reading the novel, A Long Walk to Water. All donations will go towards drilling and installing a well so they can access clean water. By gaining access to clean water, communities have the potential to benefit from better health, education, gender equality, stability and peace.
University of Minnesota
College students often take their education for granted- we skip class because the 10 minute walk seems too daunting, we skip class because we don't want to take an extra 5 minutes to get ready and shower, we won't go somewhere if it's too cold or too hot or because of any excuse we can think of. The idea that there are those who have to walk miles to get the water we are too lazy to roll out of bed for was a great eye-opener. We hope to channel that awakening into change. Through our fundraising and service, we hope to grant others the ability to experience the security we have here and focus on their own education and health.
Valentine Hills Elementary
The students of Valentine Hills want to help the students at Agneaux Primary School in Congo. Valentine Hills' students want the children at Agneaux Primary to have bathrooms and water at their school. Every child deserves clean drinking water and bathrooms.
VANTAGE Global Sustainability
We are part of the VANTAGE Global Sustainability Strand from Minnetonka High School and our hope is to provide water to a school in need. We will raise awareness about water through fundraisers and hands on activities within the community.
Waconia High School
Hi, my name is Evalana and I am part of Waconia High School's international club. For our lettering requirements we had to look at the global goals and one that really stood out to me was clean water and sanitation. I wanted to do something that could help those suffering from unclean water or water deprivation. My teacher told me about h2oforlifeschools.org and I found some great opportunities for me and anyone from international club willing to help out.
Wayzata West Middle School
Our school voted to support H2O for Life for our annual winter service project.
We want to help raise money for schools around the world to help build wells for kids and families that don't have enough water. Join our annual walk4water on Wednesday, July 10th 6:30-8:30 p.m. at West Park, White Bear Lake, MN. Registration begins at 6 p.m. Register online at https://www.lifecoreyoga.com/events Hosted by young philanthropists: Ivory Drusch and Lucy Guidinger. Questions email ivorydrusch@icloud.com 5K walk on Lake Avenue followed by cupcakes and a sparkler celebration. This is the 4th annual WBL Walk4Water! In 2018 we raised over $2,000 to help build wells for kids and families that don't have enough water. Please join us this year and help us keep this great summer fundraiser tradition going. Preregistration helps us plan but you are welcome to register at the walk. All of your registration is a donation to a fund a well in Nigeria through H2O for Life. -Single walker: $20 -Family of walkers: $75 -VIP walker: $100 4 legged friends are welcome to join!