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St. John the Baptist Catholic School
St. john's is Catholic K-8 school in New Brighton, MN. Our school motto is JOY - Jesus-Others-You and we want to give back to others as well as show how we can impact the lives of other school children in another part of world.
St. Joseph Catholic STEM School
This project was initially presented to us through the Twin Cities Catholic School Center of Excellence (CSCOE). When we heard about this opportunity to help support and serve others in need, we were moved to get involved. As a Catholic STEM school, there are many connections to be made in our curriculum and in our faith. We are motivated to make a difference and are thankful for your organization.
St. Louis Park High School
9th grade economics students of St. Louis Park High School used macroeconomic measures learned in class to select a country, and then a specific school, to donate to in order to support H2O for Life.
St. Louis Park High School
St. Louis Park High School economics students are doing a project where they are starting a non-profit business and they are selling small bracelets to raise money for the well project. They are learning about world issues and needs, economic access and inequality, and they are setting up a business to raise money for the students at Dokolo school.
St. Louis Park High School Nation...
Our organization is based on high school and promotes community involvements among academically excelling students. Involvements include community service projects and various other opportunities dedicated to aiding their communities.
St. Peter Catholic School
We, the Catholic Community of St. Peter, in a faith response to Jesus Christ, provide an education that is sacred and academic, enabling students to proclaim their faith and transform the world.
Sunrise Park Middle School
Sunrise Park Middle School has long been a supporter of the H2O for Life Organization. Over the years, the students and staff have raised more then $10000.00 to build wells and sanitation stations in 6 different countries. The students connect with students their age throughout the world and appreciate their ability to make a difference in their everyday lives. 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, along with National Junior Honor Society and Student Council students, organize and lead fund-raising opportunities that involve the entire Sunrise Park community. Sunrise Park Middle School, in collaboration with the White Bear Lake Rotary, have established a service learning program, Week Without Walls, wherein the students travel to Costa Rica to participate in various service learning projects.
Swan River Montessori Charter School
Learning at Swan River Montessori Charter School involves the student, the student’s family, the teachers, and the larger community. Swan River supports family and community participation in each child’s education by utilizing and appreciating community resources and the natural world as a learning environment.
Tally's toilets
Last summer, my grand-daughter Tally, her family and I visited Ilawani Nursery school in Kenya. We observed a brilliant local woman, Joyce Mutuku, teaching her young (3-5 year old) students the alphabet, sight words, simple math skills and traditional songs and dances. The school room had a blackboard and a few wall decorations, crowded desks and was host to a group of happy, smiling children. Their outside playground had a few basic pieces of playground equipment, and the students jumped rope, played with a few soccer balls and gleefully enjoyed playing with each other and Tally, Tanner and Travis. We noticed that 2 students at a time were leaving the playground and disappearing for 5-10 minutes. We asked joyce where the students were going. They were walking to a church several blocks (I say blocks loosely) as they walked down a dusty road) to access the one available latrine. 3 year old kids- walking alone- vulnerable-to use a toilet. Can you help us make sure that Illawani School has access to toilets. Any donation, large or small, will help us reach our goal! Please make an online donation today! Thanks. We will raise the funds necessary to build accessible latrines that are within the school compound. It will contain a stall for girls, a stall for boys and a stall for teachers. Will you help? Please consider a donation- or better yet- build you own campaign and join me to reach out to family and friends to change the lives of these young students.
Team Agua
Team Agua is a student-led H2O for Life Water Club in Woodbury, MN. We are sisters and co-founders of the club! We're doing this because we feel it is wrong for people to not have bathrooms or be able to wash their hands with clean water! "If people get sick, they might spread it to others." (Ana) "Helping others helps us all be safe." (Jayna) "Everyone should be able to wash their hands at school!" (Finn- the girls' best friend) THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO DO AND HOW YOU CAN HELP: We learned about a school in need. It's called El Cascajal and it's in Nicaragua. They want to build 3 bathrooms because they don't have bathrooms. The whole project will cost $975. Starting November 1 we will walk one mile every day for every donation we get until we raise our money! Make a donation, any amount*, and we will walk to say thank you and raise awareness for how many kids actually have to walk miles for water every day! (*We made a video and suggested $30 because $30/day x 30 days gets us really close to our goal. We also learned that one mile of pennies is 84,480 pennies or $844.80 so we'd take spare change, too.) Thanks for helping us bring clean water and bathrooms to El Cascajal! Kids can make a difference!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u0bxDElbkk
Team Mains’l: Join Us in Building...
Our 2021 goal is big: raise $50,000! Mains’l Mission Team members are made up of employees who have committed to sharing their gifts, skills and talents with others through our work in Africa. For the past nine years, the Mission Team has been working and building relationships with those we meet while in Zimbabwe. Collaborating with our on-the ground partner, Mother Africa Trust, our work has included supporting an orphanage, an old age home, building a new school, numerous projects in rural villages, and conservation efforts. 2021 will mark our 10th team mission trip of Mains’l. There is a critical need in Zimbabwe right now, and we are continuing our mission efforts when we journey to Africa in September. All funds go directly to our trusted partners on the ground in Zimbabwe, with no overhead or administrative expenses allocated. All travel costs are paid by the mission team members and Mains'l. Please support these activities today! <b>Watch our video <a href="https://vimeo.com/380735010">here.</a></b> Click on "Zimbabwe Treasure Chest" to find out more.