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Paige Hebert
Hello, my name is Paige Hebert, and I’m a junior at Stillwater Area High School. I have a passion for environmental advocacy, and as part of my H2O for Life Fellowship, I’m organizing an event celebrating clean water in our global community. The water-themed art exhibit will showcase local artists of all ages and will support sustainable rainwater collection tanks, which will provide clean drinking water to the Kasozi Primary School in Uganda. Earth Day Art Exhibit Details: Saturday, April 22nd, 10 am-4 pm La Vie Est Belle, 3417 Lake Elmo Ave. N, Lake Elmo, MN 55042
People to People: Minnetonka Chapter
Believing that it is through connecting people across borders and cultures that we build the relationships that create understanding, the mission of People to People International is to offer multinational experiences that foster cross cultural learning, develop global leadership skills, and connect with an international network of people committed to making a positive difference in the world.
Pine City Jr/Sr High School
The 8th grade class has been studying the global water crisis. We have read "A Long Walk to Water", completed two water labs with multiple forms of research and we are now working on a Walk For Water.
Pioneer Ridge Middle School
Our eighth graders study different regions of the world in social studies and the water cycle in science. We want to make a difference in other people's lives and help make our world a better place. We have more than what we truly need and are working to realize that our wants and our needs are different from the wants and needs of people in other places.
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools
Vision Statement: Empowering All learners for life. Mission Statement: Create a challenging, caring, and structured environment that empowers all learners to achieve their full potential in society.
Prairie Creek Community School
We are a public, progressive charter school near Northfield, MN. Part of our mission is to make the world a better place. Raising Hands, our student led service learning club, has chosen to focus part of their work on water issues and girls' education.
Protolabs is conducting a fall fundraiser to support H2O for Life! To raise funds Protolabs held a Halloween themed bake sale, sold water drops and had a cascading flow of water down their glass stairwell, raffled off prizes like PTO and brewery tours, and had a penny war between the executives for their Trick or Treat Challenge; which required each Executive to take a bite out of what was either a caramel apple or a caramel onion! Altogether the project they were funding cost $3,850 and they managed to raise over $5,000! It just goes to show that even grownups at work can have fun while still making a big difference around the world! This is the kind of company culture we love to see!
QuoteMeasure, LLC
QM is a Digital Manufacturing consulting firm. Here to help H20's mission the best I can.
Race2Reduce: Lead4Change Challenge
Each year Lead4Change, a nationwide student leadership program, hosts a Challenge encouraging students to make a difference in their local communities. Students work to develop a service project that addresses a local need using skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. This year, schools in Minnesota participated in and revamped the Race2Reduce program to help develop their projects and ideas. The students collaborated to create a website with guides for different sustainability projects that they had implemented in their own communities. Their goal is to promote the replication of their sustainability projects by sharing all of their guides on the website, which can be accessed by schools and communities across the state and beyond. And the big news?! Their hard work paid off because they won the grand prize of $10,000 for the charity of their choice, H2O for Life! Benjamin Butters, a participating teacher, said, “My goal as a teacher is to empower my students to take action, and the lessons in Lead4Change provided me an excellent structure to achieve this goal.”
Rakiya's Fellowship Project
H2O For Life High School Fellowship Program. I raised some funds through community events and donations!
Ramsey Middle School
From growing up in a first world country and having the privilege of reliable clean, fresh running water in our homes, schools and workplaces; our mission is to share this necessity in communities around the world that do not have the basic human right of clean drinking water.