Lexi Franz

Maybe you have heard maybe you haven't but there is a global water crisis happening at this very minute. Continents like Africa and Asia have been hit the hardest and often women and children shoulder the burden. Every year women in Africa walk 40 billion hours in order to find water for their families and most of time the water they bring back isn't drinkable. It's disease ridden and polluted. Every 21 seconds a mother loses her child to a water related illness. We can stop this, the addition of WASH facilities improves the health and learning performance of students by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation related diseases. Student attendance and time in class also increases when facilities are available on school grounds. Please donate to my fundraiser. We can do this together, step by step.


Amount From Date
$100.00 Anne Vandenabeele Tue, Jan 7
$250.00 Darrell and Sarah Spence Mon, Jan 6
$100.00 Gabriela Nicolau 12/21/24
$50.00 Ingrid Franz 12/19/24
$100.00 Harry Gunji 12/19/24
$25.00 K Harahap 12/18/24

Lexi Franz

I've raised $625.00 Donate to Campaign