
Khuluvi Primary School

Malawi 1500 beneficiaries Zomba District
Khuluvi Primary School is located in Zomba District, Malawi. It has 19 classrooms and 14 teachers for a large enrollment of 1,487 students. Students walk to school from as far as 5km distance. The school was established by the Church of Central African Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod in 1973. 
The school had a non-functional borehole well on campus that use to serve the school and community. The pedestal of the pump was damaged and the pump was not working. Our implementing partner, Freshwater Project International, was able to drill a new deep borehole water well, and install a hand pump with a drainage apron on campus. Now the students have a clean water source!
But, the sanitation and hygiene situation at the school is still dire, and we need your help to finish this project. Please help us raise funds to construct 2 blocks of additional latrines to meet the toilet to learner ratio, as well as to install two innovative hand washing stations designed using a human-centered design approach. Students will also receive hygiene and hand-washing training and receive a supply of Procter & Gamble Purifier of Water packets to educate them on the importance of clean water and hygiene and to purify water in their homes.

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