Water Warriors in White Bear Lake Unite!
In the town of White Bear Lake, two elementary schools, Matoska International and Willow Lane, are teaming up to learn more about the global water crisis and take action! Both schools have their own “Water Warriors” Club where their teachers have introduced them to the Global Water Crisis and H2O for Life. Staff from H2O for Life visited both clubs and spoke with them about how we want to work together to solve big global issues like access to safe, clean water and sanitation around the world. In December, the two clubs took a half-day field trip and met up at Mariner Middle School to meet one another, learn more about ways they could take action, and brainstorm ideas that they could implement in their community. They even made some posters to put up at their school while they were there.
They agreed to have the H2O for Life staff meet with the rest of their 5th-grade classmates for a couple of days of water science and introductions to where in the world these water issues are happening. Their next big adventure together will be visiting the local water treatment plant to learn more about their local water resources before coming together one last time in the spring for their combined day of service!
Together they have pledged $1,500 to support the community of C.E.B Francisco Morazán in Honduras. C.E.B Francisco Morazán is located in the rural community of La Pedrera in the municipality of Yarula, La Paz, Honduras. The school currently has five teachers who provide educational needs for kindergarten through 8th grade to 93 students. Students regularly have significant absences from school due to waterborne illnesses. Providing access to safe drinking water within the school system will lead to healthier students, fewer absences due to illness, and a better education.
If you want to support these Water Warriors, feel free to donate to their project page here.