Water Blogged

Who will take the Challenge?

Posted by Patty Hall on May 3, 2013

Every day people around the world walk an average of 3 miles or more to collect water for themselves and their families.  In the United States we use on an average, 100-170 gallons of water per day per person.  The average amount of water used by an African family is 5 gallons per day.

Here is a challenge for you!  Carry 1 gallon of water with you for two days.  Keep a diary/list of every time you use water.  Pour out water to brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your hands- we’ll give you a free flush of the toilet!

If you wash your hair- use the gallon bottle.  Shower?  I don’t think so.

Wash up the dishes you use at home- don’t put them in the dishwasher- use the water from your one gallon.  Drink only water during your 2 day period.

When you run out of water- record how the lack of water impacted your day.

Imagine how your life would be if you only had access to 2-3 gallons of water daily for a month.  How would you clean your clothing, your hair, your body?

YOU ONLY NEED TO DO THIS FOR 2 DAYS.  What if it was for the rest of your life?


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