Kitelewasi Secondary School
Project Complete!
Kitelewasi Secondary School is located in the village of Lundamatwe. There are currently 547 students enrolled at the school and 30 teachers/staff members. The school has two dormitories for girls and a small kitchen on the campus. Most of the teachers live on the campus as well. The school is currently expanding due to the increase of children in the village. Our implementing partner, St. Paul Partners (SPP), visited the school to assess their water needs after the Lundamatwe Lutheran Pastor informed SPP of their plan to create a water system from an old hand pump well that was currently not operational.
Currently, students walk a minimum of two kilometers, multiple times daily, to fetch water from various unsafe sources around the village. Students typically end up spending more time fetching water and recovering from waterborne illness than they do studying. It's often not safe for the students to walk around the village, especially at night, and there are many children who drop out of school.
Project Proposal: Borehole Rehab/Electric Pump
St. Paul Partners plans to install an electric pump to the salvageable well and pipe water throughout the school. The school has already purchased a 2,000 L tank and has constructed a 2.5 m tower near the high point of the grounds. The school is connected to the electric grid and has said they would be willing to pay for the extension of the electric lines to connect the grid to the pump. This investment shows that the school is committed to this project and the difference it will make. The implementation of a water system at Kitelewasi Secondary School will have a very positive impact on the education of its students as well as the surrounding village. The water this well will supply far exceeds the demand of just the school, it could also be possible for villagers around the school to get water for a fee. This will contribute to the sustainability of the water system, as the school will have income for any necessary maintenance and repair.
St. Paul Partners plans to install an electric pump to the salvageable well and pipe water throughout the school. The school has already purchased a 2,000 L tank and has constructed a 2.5 m tower near the high point of the grounds. The school is connected to the electric grid and has said they would be willing to pay for the extension of the electric lines to connect the grid to the pump. This investment shows that the school is committed to this project and the difference it will make. The implementation of a water system at Kitelewasi Secondary School will have a very positive impact on the education of its students as well as the surrounding village. The water this well will supply far exceeds the demand of just the school, it could also be possible for villagers around the school to get water for a fee. This will contribute to the sustainability of the water system, as the school will have income for any necessary maintenance and repair.
H2O for Life is not a WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) project implementer. We have partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implementing WASH in Schools projects around the world. Our NGO partners match funds needed for each school project. We also have a generous donor that provides us with an interest-free loan that, along with matching funds, allows for many projects to be started or possibly even completed before total funds have been raised. In rare situations we reserve the right to reallocate funds to alternate project(s).
Questions? Ask us at 651-756-7577 or
Project Sponsors
September 19, 2022
Kitelewasi Project a Success!
Kitelewasi Secondary School is located in the village of Lundamatwe. There are currently 547 students enrolled at the school and 30 teachers/staff members. The school has two dormitories for girls...