Borehole well successfully drilled!
January 13, 2020
Itwaga Primary School is in Mgama village, Iringa rural district about 55 kilometers from Iringa town. The current school population is 225 girls, 219 boys and 7 teachers/staff members.
The school has a very challenging situation with no access to safe, clean water. Their current water sources are the river which is 2 kilometers away from the school and old hand dug wells scattered around the village. The water from the river and most of the old wells is contaminated and unsafe. During the rainy season waste from around the village is washed into the river, which pollutes the water even more. The students have to fetch water daily which is used for drinking, cooking porridge, cleaning, and washing up after using the toilets. Class time is wasted fetching water, causing students to miss important lessons and valuable learning time resulting in poor performance on their exams.
Based on all physical chemical and microbial parameters tested, the borehole water sample brought to the laboratory conforms to Tanzanian natural potable water standards. Students at Itwaga Primary School now have access to safe water on school property!
Thanks to Olivia's Walk for Water in California and Klemme Kids in Minnesota for supporting this project!