Muhwana Secondary School
Project Complete!
Muhwana Secondary School is located in Magulilwa ward in the Iringa Rural district. The school has 369 students (202 are girls, 167 boys) and 22 staff members. There are 16 latrines for students and 2 for the staff. Muhwana is a day school, but there are 20 female students who are living at the school.
The school has no access to safe, clean water. Students currently have to walk 30 minutes to an hour every day to fetch water near the Magulilwa Village and the Maha River. Time spent fetching water means time away from the classroom, which negatively impacts their performance. Water from the Maha River is shared with animals and used by the community for bathing and washing clothes. It is not safe for drinking and often makes the students and staff sick with water-borne diseases.
Project Proposal: A shallow well dug on the school grounds
Having a shallow well at the school would provide a clean and safe water source for the students and staff to use. This well will provide clean, safe water that will reduce the number of students and staff that become sick with stomach illnesses, diarrhea and cholera. Students would also benefit by having more time for their studies improving their performance.
Having a shallow well at the school would provide a clean and safe water source for the students and staff to use. This well will provide clean, safe water that will reduce the number of students and staff that become sick with stomach illnesses, diarrhea and cholera. Students would also benefit by having more time for their studies improving their performance.
H2O for Life is not a WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) project implementer. We have partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implementing WASH in Schools projects around the world. Our NGO partners match funds needed for each school project. We also have a generous donor that provides us with an interest-free loan that, along with matching funds, allows for many projects to be started or possibly even completed before total funds have been raised. In rare situations we reserve the right to reallocate funds to alternate project(s).
Questions? Ask us at 651-756-7577 or
September 11, 2019
New well complete
Muhwana Secondary School is located in Magulilwa ward in the Iringa Rural district of Tanzania. The school has 369 students (202 girls|167 boys) and 22 teachers/staff members. There are 16...