
Josefa Toledo (replaced República de Costa Rica)

Nicaragua 49 beneficiaries Montes Verdes, Camoapa

Project Complete!

Project Proposal: 3 New latrines.

We believe all people deserve clean water, safe sanitation, and the knowledge to sustain it for future generations. Our implementing partner, El Porvenir, partners with the people of Nicaragua so that they can build a better future for themselves through the sustainable development of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) education projects. They also take it a step farther with their watershed management program, which promotes water flow, increases food security, and reduces the impact of climate change. Clean drinking water for all Nicaraguans, no matter how remote or how bad the road is, is at the core of everything they do.
Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western hemisphere. In a country where 37% of rural people have no safe drinking water (UNICEF) and 47% of the forest cover has disappeared over the last 50 years (UN Food and Agriculture Organization), these water, sanitation, and reforestation programs are a critical way to improve the living standards of the rural poor while conserving environmental resources. El Porvenir works in remote rural villages that lack access to most basic services and are too small to receive assistance from other organizations. In general, communities are formed of subsistence farmers or day laborers who live in extreme poverty, surviving on $35-70/month.

Project Sponsors

January 31, 2022

Escuela Josefa Toledo de Aguerri, Piedra Sembrada

Check out the new latrines for students at Josefa Toledo, Nicaragua!
Thanks to Forestview Middle School, MN for supporting this project!

We believe all people deserve clean water, safe sanitation, and...

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