
Good Parent Junior School

Uganda 355 beneficiaries Luwero district

Project Complete!

Good Parent Junior School is located in Luwero district in the Central region of Uganda. The students have to walk along the main road to the nearest bore hole well to meet the school's water needs. In addition to the students, 2 other schools and the surrounding community of Nakisamata use this bore hole for daily water. Due to inconsistent water supply, flow can be slow and students typically wait 30-60 minutes to fetch water, and occasionally, there is no water available, even in the rainy seasons.
Fetching water robs students of valuable class time. It also poses serious risks to children at Good Parent Junior School; there is a steep slope down to the well and there have been incidents of crime along the route to and from the school.
Project Proposal: 
Installation of a rainwater collection system (RCS) on school grounds, 2 hand-washing stations, and community WASH education. 

Project Sponsors

September 11, 2018

Rainwater Collection Tank: Good Parent Junior School

Rainwater Collection Tank: Good Parent Junior School, Nakisamata LC1

Check out your impact!
  •  You brought clean water to 462 people
  •  You eliminated 8.03 miles of walking per day
  •  You reduced collection time by ⁠266.67...

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