Ttama C/U Primary School Girls Latrine and Handwashing Facilities
Ttama C/U Primary School, situated in Luwero, Uganda, currently educates 909 students, comprising 471 girls and 438 boys.
The girls' toilets at Ttama School are currently in disrepair, nearing capacity, and excessively crowded. This school has already received a sustainable water source, and this project will help provide complete WASH services for the students.
Our implementing partner, Drink Local Drink Tap, is set to build a new, secure toilet block for girls, complete with handwashing facilities. The installation of VIP Latrines (ventilated improved pit latrines) with handwashing stations will contribute to keeping girls in school and safe, while also providing teachers with their own facilities, enhancing safety. Drink Local Drink Tap will incorporate features for rainwater harvesting in the girls' toilets, ensuring privacy and hygiene that support their continued education. Additionally, educational signage, WASH committee training, and tree planting initiatives will be conducted.
H2O for Life is not a WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) project implementer. We have partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implementing WASH in Schools projects around the world. Our NGO partners match funds needed for each school project. We also have a generous donor that provides us with an interest-free loan that, along with matching funds, allows for many projects to be started or possibly even completed before total funds have been raised. In rare situations we reserve the right to reallocate funds to alternate project(s).
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