Lulanzi Secondary School
Lulanzi Secondary School, situated in Lulanzi village of the Kilolo district, has a total student enrollment of 413, comprising 262 girls and 151 boys. The school employs 18 staff members, both teachers and non-teaching personnel.
A significant challenge faced by Lulanzi is the lack of access to safe and clean water, a common issue in many schools and villages across Iringa. Students spend considerable time collecting water from unsafe sources for various domestic uses, including cleaning, cooking, and drinking. To obtain water, students must travel to nearby streams or a small river every morning and during break times, covering an average distance of 1.5 kilometers daily.
Students also spend class hours fetching water, which negatively impacts their studies and overall performance. The water from these sources is unsafe and unclean, posing a high risk to their health and life. Agricultural and domestic activities near the water source lead to contamination. Consequently, waterborne diseases are prevalent among students and the local population, particularly during the rainy season.
Students also spend class hours fetching water, which negatively impacts their studies and overall performance. The water from these sources is unsafe and unclean, posing a high risk to their health and life. Agricultural and domestic activities near the water source lead to contamination. Consequently, waterborne diseases are prevalent among students and the local population, particularly during the rainy season.
The primary goal of this project is to ensure that the students at Lulanzi Secondary School have access to clean water. In collaboration with our implementing partner, St. Paul Partners, we will install a shallow borehole well equipped with a hand pump within the school premises. This initiative guarantees that students will have sufficient safe water, thereby increasing their classroom study time. Moreover, the availability of clean water is expected to greatly improve the health of not only the students and teachers but also the surrounding community members.
H2O for Life is not a WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) project implementer. We have partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implementing WASH in Schools projects around the world. Our NGO partners match funds needed for each school project. We also have a generous donor that provides us with an interest-free loan that, along with matching funds, allows for many projects to be started or possibly even completed before total funds have been raised. In rare situations we reserve the right to reallocate funds to alternate project(s).
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