Projects Complete

August 23, 2024
New Bore-Hole Wells were drilled at the following schools in the Gulu area of northern Uganda:
  1. Alelelele Primary School
  2. Koch Laminlatoo Primary School
  3. Paminyai Primary School
Alelelele Primary School is located in the Paminyai sub-county of the Nwoya district in northern Uganda. The school had a shallow well at one point, but it was not deep enough and had been broken for a long time.  The school's pupils were getting their water from an unprotected waterhole. This water is unsafe to drink, and the school urgently needed a safe water source. The property was surveyed to find a better location to drill where we were able to go deeper and provide them with water all year round.

Koch Laminlatoo Primary School has never had clean water and urgently needed a well. 

Paminyai Primary School was in urgent need of clean water. The district dug the school a shallow well many years ago, but it is not working, and the nearby latrines contaminate the water. The district water office and school board asked us to consider drilling a deep well for them as a drilled borehole well will fix their problems.

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