The School in the Mountains

November 5, 2024
The School in the Mountains 
To reach the community of El Tempisque, Terrabona, you drive an hour and a half in a 4x4 vehicle. The village is nestled on a small plain, and the community school is set in the middle of the mountains. The view is breathtaking, and rural life is so prominent that it’s common to see cows grazing in the yard alongside children playing.
Twenty-five children from preschool and elementary school study here. Their teacher, Eneida García, shares that the state of the old latrines was so deplorable that several children preferred not to attend. But that changed this year when the community requested the support of El Porvenir to build new school latrines.
“First, the potable water project came. Then, the parents and teachers wrote a request letter for the construction of latrines, and it was approved! Everything was done quickly because it was during the dry season; the parents supported everything, they dug the pits, carried materials—it was a team effort. Now the children use the latrine more often and without issues,” the teacher affirms.
In the classroom, there’s a hygiene corner where children have access to soap, towels, toilet paper, and sanitary pads. The parents make sure to keep everything stocked, following hygiene training provided by El Porvenir.
Life in the Countryside
Although most of the children live nearby, they all enjoy their school snack (rice, beans, and more) because, they say, their breakfast is usually just coffee with bread or crackers. For many, this snack becomes their lunch.
After completing elementary school, the children must walk an hour to the nearest community that offers secondary education, a place called Montaña Grande (about 4 miles away). The terrain and distance don’t allow for public transportation, so, according to the teacher, walking is the only option.

Now, the community is organized and awaiting the next step: building a handwashing station. 

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Project Updates

  • The School in the Mountains
    Nov 5, 2024
  • El Tempisque Latrines
    Jul 15, 2024
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