
Amotot Primary School - Well Rehab

Uganda 509 beneficiaries Soroti

Project Complete!

Amotot Primary School is located in the Eastern Region of Uganda in the city of Soroti. The school has an aging borehole well that was installed on the school property in 2014. Since the addition of this water source, the school population has risen from 334 students to 509 students who currently attend.
Although the well has been working adequately, the government of Uganda has passed a law requiring all new wells to be fitted with stainless steel pipes. These pipes never rust and last a lot longer than galvanized iron pipes. Our implementing partner, Drop in the Bucket, has been outfitting all of their new wells with stainless steel pipes for the last few years. 
This borehole well rehabilitation project will include the following:
  • Removing all of the old galvanized riser pipes and replacing them with new stainless steel pipes
  • Replacing or cleaning and lubricating the hand pump 
  • Inspecting the original cement and replacing it if necessary
  • Training members of the school and community to maintain and repair the pump when needed
June 17, 2024

Well Rehab Complete

Amotot Primary School is located in the Eastern Region of Uganda in Soroti. The school has an aging borehole well that was installed on the school property in 2014. Since...

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