
Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped

Uganda 228 beneficiaries Kampala

Project Complete!

Kampala School for Physically Handicapped started in 1969, as a project by the Uganda Spastics Society, an indigenous non-profit organization. The founding members of the Society had children with Cerebral Palsy, and thus aimed at improving the quality of life and rehabilitation of children with the affliction.
Sitting on about 5.5 acres, Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped is the only one of its kind in Uganda, combining Education, Rehabilitation, and Vocational skill training for children with various disabilities between the ages of 6-21. The school has a population of 186 pupils, 42 teachers/staff, and also a wide range of volunteers.

Endowed with a gleeful atmosphere, these amazing children tell the story.
Project Proposal:
  • Rainwater Collection Tank
  • Water Purification System
Our implementing partner, Ugandan Water Project, will install a SolarWave System, which is a UV water purifier powered by solar energy. A tank will be stationed in a secure place and connected to the kitchen where the children can access it. Because most of the children are physically handicapped, having one structured place for drinking water will be ideal, as this will be monitored by the school cook. This particular system has a capacity of 1300 liters/hour and is guaranteed for 10 years. SolarWave also provides routine service for free.
November 22, 2024

UV Filtration System Installed

The UV Filtration system installed at Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped (KSPH) is solar-powered and supplied by water from a 5000-liter rainwater collection tank located approximately 1.5m from the...

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February 12, 2024

Project Complete!

Thank you for bringing safe water to Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped!

Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped started in 1969 as a project by the Uganda Spastics Society, an...

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