Micki Mermelstein

Hi, my name is Micki. I am part of a club called Water Warriors that teaches us about people in Africa who don't have clean water nearby. They have to miss school to walk a couple of miles for water. While we are used to clean water accessible to us, these people aren't as lucky. In the middle of the school day, many kids have to walk to unfiltered rivers if they are thirsty. Please join us and donate and together we can make sure as many people as possible have access to clean water. Even one cent can make a difference.


Amount From Date
$37.00 Anonymous 9/29/22
$36.00 Ilana Ruby 9/29/22
$50.00 Veronica & Cyrus Hoomani 9/26/22
$150.00 Joel Athey 9/25/22
$50.00 Elke and Robert Mermelstein 9/25/22
$50.00 Linda Ruby 9/25/22
$54.00 Marion and Hyman Tannenbaum 9/24/22
$50.00 Marcia Mermelstein 9/24/22
$100.00 Abigail Atchison 9/24/22
$100.00 Peter Ruby 9/24/22
$100.00 Joanne Tannenbaum 9/24/22
$100.00 Cara Tannenbaum 9/24/22
$50.00 Jessica Ruby 9/23/22
$360.00 Dana Tannenbaum 9/23/22

Micki Mermelstein

I raised $1,287.00