MATSIMBE SECONDARY in Malawi: our new goal!!

June 12, 2019
Please help us reach our new goal of raising $6,600 this year to supporting Matsimbe Secondary School in Malawi!

Matsimbe is a large secondary school in rural Malawi with an enrollment of 1872 students and only 18 teachers. The school uses a nearby hand dug, unprotected, shallow well as their source of drinking water. Because the water source is unprotected, it is most likely contaminated, and students often become sick from drinking it. Teachers at the school have to travel and queue at a community borehole half a kilometer away whose water yield is very low. They often have to wait for long hours to access water, taking away precious time from teaching. Then, it is difficult to carry the heavy water back to the school. 
The school's sanitary facilities are in very poor conditions. They have 4 temporary pit latrines and no urinary facilities. The are no handwashing facilities at this school. Due to lack of sanitary facilities, boys and girls use the bush at a nearby graveyard as a restroom. This further contributes to the rampant spread of water-related diseases among students. As a secondary school, girl students who have reached puberty often drop out from embarrassment of having no private place to use the restroom or maintain menstrual hygiene. 

H2O's implementing partner, Freshwater Project International, will drill a fresh water borehole at the school, and provide two blocks of latrines (with locking doors) and two blocks of urinals. One of the girls latrines will have a menstrual hygiene management station. All of the sanitation facilities will have hand washing stations adjacent, and more hand washing stations will be located close to the classrooms. Students will also receive hygiene and hand washing training and menstrual hygiene management training (for girls). Additionally, students receive a supply of Procter & Gamble Purifier of Water packets for students to use to purify water in their homes.
Please help us provide a comprehensive solution to the water and sanitation needs of this school in Malawi! 

Your global citizens,
Ella & Mabel

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